Nashville independent force SVRCINA unveiled her single “STEADY” this week and we can’t stop playing it. In fact, if we were spinning vinyl, we’re pretty sure we would have already fried this record. The single comes hot on the heals of the artist’s previous release “ASTRONOMICAL”.
Steady speaks of SVRCINA’s struggle to find steady ground in a relationship. defines “steady” as “firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving.” We believe that’s exactly what SVRCINA has accomplished with the strategy of her coupled releases.

There are two things that make the 20 something’s music so attractive. Her voice. And her production. The stripped down delivery of Astronomical highlights the artist’s vocal ability. In contrast, Steady allows us to climb inside the world of her production team. The tandem drop seems intentional. From the timing of the releases, to the soul tickling cover art from Fairlight Hubbard, SVRCINA seems to have a firm grasp on planting one foot at a time. Balance.
SVRCINA is no stranger to balance. Opting to finish school while the world of a growing audience vied for her attention, SVRCINA graduated firmly fixed and ready to take on the universe. Furthermore, her commitment to family is commendably balanced. Svrcina’s instagram is littered with kinfolk. Heck, Nashville Unsigned is happy to feel like we got a sista in the game. Especially one who seems to be friends with those elusive homies Yin and Yang.
SVRCINA has always been known for her thought provoking lyrics. As the light was washing from my eyes / I swore that I could hold you / Steady. The relationship SVRCINA is singing about has become slippery. It is easy for most to relate to feeling as if we have lost control of a situation. I tried to mend what’s broken / Walked the wire with dignity / As my eyes are looking into the sun / I’m facing a new reality. When we grab onto something with both hands and squeeze tightly, we are successful in creating a sort of self inflicted handcuff. Aren’t we? The key to escaping is finally letting go.
Thought. Given the young artist’s grounded faith, could “Steady” be a note to self about the illusion that one can survive without the help of a higher power? We dunno. Have a listen for yourself. Our hands are off the wheel.
While you are at it, revisit our Nashville Unsigned Exclusive (NUX) performance with SVRCINA featuring her mashup of singles “Island” and “Deeper”. NUX with SVRCINA.
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