STEALING OCEANS unveils "BLUEPRINT" Official Music Video

Stealing Oceans – Blueprint Music Video (Revisited)

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Stealing Oceans – “Blueprint” Official Music Video From Their Latest Project ‘Let The Kids Play’ Blueprint Ain’t it grand when you can be honest with yourself and with the people around you. It feels liberating. Lets give it a try. Hi I’m Nick and I apparently can’t roller skate without breaking bones. I stole & ...

Stealing Oceans – “Blueprint” Official Music Video From Their Latest Project ‘Let The Kids Play’


Ain’t it grand when you can be honest with yourself and with the people around you. It feels liberating. Lets give it a try. Hi I’m Nick and I apparently can’t roller skate without breaking bones. I stole & recycled this video from Patryk’s post back in Oct 2017 (sorry bro. I lived in Portland, OR, became a hipster, and now I like to recycle things 😜). And I really love and can relate to Stealing Oceans “Blueprint”. Now it’s your turn.

Brian Thompson, better know for his stage name, Stealing Oceans aka Mr. Boy Scout aka the star of the Ocean’s movie “Ocean’s 9: The Next Generation Of Thieves” recently dropped his latest project “Let The Kids Play” with the lead track “Blueprint” kicking off the campfire stories on project. Which is why I snagged this video again to write about.

Diving Into Deep Waters

I bet upon first listen you’re thinking “Blueprint” is just this super catchy, up-beat, fun, party song (which it is). Well, you’re right. Also you’re wrong. When you read between the lines of Blueprint’s lyrics it actually dives into some deep waters about some all to real topics. With visuals that provide subtle hints and clues into the meaning behind it all. Depression, Anxiety, and the search for happiness in life are all things that a lot of us in life and in the music industry deal with; and a lot of the time don’t admit it.

So kudos to Stealing Oceans giving us a look into some of the things he is dealing with, opening the doors for us out here in the real world to connect and relate to our own search for sunshine when it seems like we’re only getting rain.

Full Video Review

Read the full write up from Patryk on Stealing Oceans’ “Blueprint” Music Video: