SUMMER NAMM 2018- We Run Into Class 8 Alumni, ADARA

@JB.odonnell and @tonycaldwellhair
MUA: @jessiellaw
Interview with Class 8’s ADARA
Nashville Unsigned hit the carpet streets of NAMM to check out all the new instruments and accessories for 2018/2019. Upon arrival at NAMM, we were greeted by the friendly staff and also were encouraged to invite in our alumni to come experience the product for themselves. So not only was this like throwing a kid into a candy store, but it was an alumni reunion.
Nashville Unsigned at the opportunity to speak to over 25 merchants and we just so happened to snag these moments on camera. And some alumni run-ins.
For this interview we had the lovely pleasure of running into Class 8’s edm, pop, space princess, ADARA. Showing us all kinds of love, we chat with her about NAMM 2018.
For more on ADARA CLICK HERE for her website.
Brought to you by our partners at GOOGLE Bulletin and 51 Lemons, LLC.
Did you miss our last Nashville Unsigned RED COUCH Interview?? No worries, we got you! CLICK HERE to check out our Red Couch Interview with THE DAILY FARE.
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