Class 10’s LIV MIRALDI Drops Her Pop Love Anthem “Chromatic”
In class 10 we had the opportunity to feature not only a talented songwriter, but an equally talented pop artist, LIV MIRALDI. Giving us singles like “Undertow” that exposes her “wise beyond her years” songwriting ability and her popped out, unique cover of Nelly’s “Dilemma”. Not only does Liv have a pen millennial writers would commit crimes for, but her delivery, tone and pronunciation, is quite unique to Liv alone. So today, we are oozing with pride and adoration for Liv as she releases her newest single “Chromatic”.
BTS (Behind The Song) “Chromatic”
When constructing a song, it takes a collection of creative minds to bring it from concept to finished product. “Chromatic” was no exception. The masterminds pulled together, Luke Arens (producer/writer), Liv, and Sydney Cubit (Writer) to breath life into these emotions Liv was being jolted with. Liv says “When I’m in love I see everything in color, so I wrote this in hopes that I could share that energy with the listeners. I was with someone who changed the way I view the world around me. Even though we’re not together anymore, he taught me a lot about how to love and be a better person.” “Chromatic” breeds energies from late 90’s R&B with millennial lyrics and those new-age synth pop elements that give you a sense of nostalgia. Using some sort of mind-trickery, as if you grew up on this song.
Into The Lyrics

Here’s the Legal Stalking Handles We Promised You
The only way to truly stay in-the-know on all things LIV MIRALDI is to jump over to her website at
And of course to 21st century stalk her, here’s Liv’s social handles: FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, and SPOTIFY
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