SAM TINNESZ is no stranger to the game.
Signing his first record deal before he graduated college, this was only a small glimpse into this artists’ hustle. Touring for 8 years, finally coming off of the road, TINNESZ decided to start writing exclusively. Which was proven to be a pivotal move that redirected the pop phenoms’ path in the industry.
Now stepping into his own solo career, he’s found success landing spots on Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, Samsung Galaxy J6+, Bad Samaritan trailer and on countless other network shows. Not only gaining him notary with these syncs, but also gaining a massive fan base all over the globe. Once again solidifying that being a successful independent artist is indeed possible.
The Unsigned Grind
Tinnesz will be the first to say his momentum and growth didn’t happen over night. He planted the seeds of hard work and focus, with a commitment to quality, years before actually reaping the benefits of that work. Which is truly the definition of The Unsigned Grind. The hustle goes on for so long before the flower starts to grow and bloom above the grass. It also helps that Tinnesz had given himself this LAST chance to make the music industry make sense for him and his families’ needs. And boy did it pay off in a BIG way! Growing his fan base on Spotify to over 500,000 monthly listeners and over 55,000 YouTube subscribers, with MOST of his videos sitting over 1,000,000 views. WHAT EVEN ARE YOU, SAM TINNESZ? Independent Pop Royalty in the making!

Resin8 Licensing Meets SAM TINNESZ and together, they throw fuel on the Cinematic Pop fire
“I was introduced to Sam in the Spring of 2014 through some mutual friends. Currently, he was working on a passion/band project,
Wave & Rome which was being represented by someone else for sync. He was doing a lot of writing with
Whissell(Class 4), to name a few. Might I add, he was doing VERY well. We met for coffee at 8th and Roast and I really had NO idea how MUCH we would end up working together. As it seemed like he was pretty covered as a writer.
After a great conversation, he said, “Hey, come to my car, I wanna play you a song.” He said he had written a song with Tommee Profitt (Class 11) about a year ago and it was free and clear to pitch under his name, Sam Tinnesz. I knew the minute the song, Glass Heart, started it was going to be sync gold. I said, “You have to send this to me, ASAP!” So I got back to the office and already had it in my email. I didn’t want wait on it and so I started pitching it that day—it was a Friday. Later that night I got a search from ABC looking for music to help with their launch of Quantico. I sent them this song as it was JUST what they were looking for and 7 days later it was running on ABC during NBA Final Four playoffs—and it ran for months! Sam was convinced I was a rainmaker, but I said, “Man, it NEVER happens THAT fast, WOW!”
That was just the beginning of our 4 year working relationship. It’s truly been non-stop ever since. Just ask Sam! LOL! I love working with Sam because he’s a great partner. He works so hard and so do I. I believe that is why we continue to win together. That amongst many other things! Brainstorming creatively, great music/lyrics/production, connecting the dots, strategy, and GREAT clients.” – Wendy Duffy.
How TINNESZ Got Caught Up In The Spider Web
“As for the Spiderman: Homecoming theatrical campaign, it was alive and dead SO many times for us, truly! Sam Tinnesz wrote the song “Wolves” with Joshua Silverberg— who also produced the track. It was being considered for the international theatrical campaign and I was told it was dead—a few times. We were all bummed, but know how it goes. Then, like it does in this business, it came back around and was going to finish!
I had been working pretty closely with the trailer house and they told me one of the big reasons they, and Sony, liked the song so much was the percussive drum loop, hands down. PLUS big stabbing horns— really helped them drive that action sell they were looking for and need with a film like Spiderman. That was also just the beginning of success for that song in EU. After that campaign and being released on Sam’s debut LP, “Wolves” racked up an international Vodafone campaign, a summer long campaign in the US for Challenge on MTV and most recently, landed a global advertising campaign for one year with Samsung.
It’s all so truly remarkable and exciting. Sam, Josh and the entire team at
Resin8 recently got together and popped champagne to celebrate. I believe, truly, in celebrating all the wins. They ALL add up and I am grateful for EVERY job we land. It NEVER gets old.”
– Wendy Duffy
Also stay tuned for the entire week for so much more content to roll out on this pop powerhouse.
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