Matt Koziol does all the right things with “Wrong Things”
The country music industry has evolved into a lot of wrong things but one of the few that stays true to himself, is Matt Koziol. He’s doing all the right things at a time the majority of the industry is doing all of the wrong things. Which sets him worlds apart! Come get to know his newest single “Wrong Things”. But don’t get it twisted, it’s oh-so-right.
Diving into his classic country roots, Matt Koziol immediately bitch slaps me with all of the nostalgia from growing up on 90’s country. The simplicity, the song writing, his smooth, effortless, deep toned vocals nestle you into this pocket of security while dancing alongside nostalgia. It’s undeniable Matt Koziol will be wildly successful in his career, but come be a part of his journey while he breaks out on the scene.
Wrong things
Cleverly titled and cleverly written. Wrong Things is about doing the wrong things for the right one. Loving so hard you’ll be willing to do anything for that love. How many times throughout your life have you made decisions that haven’t been well thought out for love? How many times did those things turn around and bite you in your ass one, if not multiple, times? This song is also about breaking all the rules for the love you know you’ve got. Protecting it by doing all of the Wrong Things if thats what the situation calls for. This single will definitely have you reminiscing on a crazy whirlwind love you once had.
BTS (Behind The Song)
You already know we are going to be dropping secret knowledge bombs on you about Matt Koziol’s new single Wrong Things. One of the first secrets is the song was recorded fully in his house. Shoutout to house studios in modern-day-music. And another secret to the song is the original vocal take was recorded in the bathroom across the hall. He re-cut the vocals in two takes while sitting down having coffee, assuming he was sitting on the toilet. Talk about a multi-faceted living space 🙂 Welcome to Nashville! Wrong Things was actually a single Matt Koziol never planned to release. When Logan Wall and Matt Koziol sat and wrote the song, it took a little less than two hours to conjure up this lyrical puzzle. So clever! It was actually the very first time Logan and Matt ever wrote together, which is insane because this song has so many lyrical intricacies, it seems like it was written by long time writing partners. And here’s the craziest part, Matt was hungover going into the writing session. Maybe you should be hungover all the time, Matt. The last cool thing to know behind this song, is Matt produced the song to be just a demo/work-tape for the session. I’d say that’s a huge slam dunk.
Now enough hype, we need you to actually go stream the song now! Matt Koziol’s “Wrong Things”. Get ready to fall in love with 90’s country all over again with modern day mountain man, Matt Koziol.
The Only Way to Keep Up With the Mountain Man, Matt Koziol, is to Follow His Journey.
Matt Koziol has an arsenal of music to release and you’re catching the very beginning of this. So jump over to his socials and hit follow to keep up! FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE and SOUNDCLOUD
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