Rick Barker Interview cd baby diy musician conference NASHVILLE UNSIGNED

Rick Barker Interview at the DIY Conference 2018

cd baby conference, diy musician, independent artists, independent bands, music business, music industry blueprint, Nashville Unsigned, rick barker, , taylor swift

Rick Barker Interview at the DIY Conference 2018 Nashville Unsigned ran around DIY Musician conference and caught up with all the heavy hitters in the independent game. Here is our interview with the social media yoda, the man that helped launch Taylor Swift, Rick Barker. Come hang out and get to know more about Rick ...

Rick Barker Interview at the DIY Conference 2018

DIY Musician conference Rick Barker Interview Nashville Unsigned

Nashville Unsigned ran around DIY Musician conference and caught up with all the heavy hitters in the independent game. Here is our interview with the social media yoda, the man that helped launch Taylor Swift, Rick Barker. Come hang out and get to know more about Rick and his music industry blueprint.

Keep up with The Social Media Yoda, Rick Barker

The only way to keep up with everything Rick is up to is to jump over to his website, subscribe to his email list, and follow him on socials. Here ya go, http://rickbarker.com/.

If you missed our interview with ELLIOT ROOT, CLICK HERE! Nashville’s rock scene is insane right now.


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