For most of us, if we go a day without social media, it’s no big deal. But, if we discovered an entire day of emails disappeared, it might not roll off our backs so easily. That’s because you have grown accustomed to making an action call on every single email that travels through your inbox. Even if you do decide to delete an email without ever opening it, the sender and subject have still registered with your brain. That should tell you something about the importance of your Email List.
I’ll be the first to admit that there are legit reasons why social media is attractive for undiscovered talent. The music industry is downright thankless and often discouraging to artists. Social media provides instant gratification for all that bruised ego. A “like” here and a “share” there help young talent to climb back on the treadmill of the indie hustle. But Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat should all be used as BAIT to acquire an email address. Social media should be treated as a supplement to the email list, not a replacement.
I can already hear the array of firework explanations exploding in your mind as you justify why you’ve been so negligent concerning your email list. I can spot an oncoming excuse even before it comes out of your face. My mother used to say, “most excuses can be easily replaced with, ‘because I’m lazy’.” I’m willing to bet you’ve got a laundry list of reasons why your particular case is different from everyone else. I assure you, it’s not. In fact, let me beat you to the punch.
1. I don’t want to annoy anyone
There are 7.5 billion people on the planet and somehow you are experiencing agita at the thought of sending a message to someone because they have only crossed your path briefly. Let’s look at that a different way. To determine the mathematical probability of two people even ever meeting, you’d have to consult Math Pages here… but let me save you the equation: it’s pretty freaking rare. Ladies and gentlemen, you ARE significant and you ARE relevant. If they don’t want to follow you, so be it; don’t get all butt hurt. This is the Music Business and although we all wish we could focus on the first of those two words, it is the latter that allows the first to thrive.
2. I don’t have the time
Yes, you do. Don’t kid yourself. Set your morning alarm for 30 minutes earlier than normal and Voila! You’ve found the time to send a monthly email.
3. It costs too much
I agree… fees for email services for followings 10K or more are completely out of control. However, this element of your business is FAR TOO IMPORTANT and there ARE options. (Have a look at Bandzoogle and SendInBlue).
4. I lost my contacts
Oh, the horror stories I have heard. “My ex-manager stole all my contacts and won’t give them back.” “I didn’t back up my file and my computer crashed taking my email list with it.” “House fire.” Well, sorry about all that. Sounds like it’s a perfect time to get cracking on a new one. Here’s your first: info@nashvilleunsigned.com
Now that we’ve convinced you to turn your clock back a few years. Let’s talk about who else you’ve been neglecting. Here’s a brief list of people you have left off your mailing list.
1. Other Musicians
You’re a musician. How often do YOU talk about music? I’m willing to bet, pretty much…um…ALL DAY, ER’DAY. So why are you convincing yourself that you shouldn’t include one of the most promising sources of exposure? Furthermore, a musician does not typically unsubscribe from other musicians’ mailing lists. More likely, they will be treating your emails as opportunity research. You didn’t get all bent out of shape when your ex-background singer, who is now gaining impressive traction, took the liberty of adding YOU to their email list. What makes you think the singer/songwriter you’ve been playing gigs with for the last three years would be any different? You have his email. Add him.
2. Industry Contacts
How many times have you thought about that one guy who you met that one time that owns that one big publishing company? You know the guy you are going to contact just as soon as you get ALL of your shit looking poppin’? How long has it been since you met him? A year? If you had added him to your mailing list the day you met him, he would have been following your story for a year now. He’d be invested. You have his email. Add him.
3. Family
Nope. Sorry, but they WILL NOT “just hear about it from your mother.” Believe it or not, everyone has a busy life and someone in the family is going to feel left out when they don’t hear about your latest event. Did I mention that family members have the lowest unsubscribe rate and the highest engagement rate? A smart musician does not wait until the launch of his crowd funding campaign before Uncle Jeff hears something about what you have been up to. You have his email. Add him.
4. The Hottie At The Bar
Aspiring artists must exude confidence. Chances are, you have an outgoing personality, an element of charisma to your swagger, and a knack for turning heads that makes you attractive. Ladies, how many times does some rando ask for your phone number as soon as you open the door to conversation? “Industry types” bait you on the reg for your digits with “all these things I can do for you.” Do not give it up. An efficient, data-focused mind asks for a business card. If they are really interested in helping you, they’ll still be there 6 months down the road. Now you have his email. Add him.