Man, oh man. Took some rest and recovery before I could even look at a computer screen after this show. As well, it took some time and my 25th birthday before my editor let me have a full article all to myself. Yippie!!! Look mom I made it haha. One day I’ll be a famous writer and when I get there, I think I’m gonna be like Lil’ Dicky but instead of writing a song I think write an article called “Professional Writer” and reference this article. Thanks for the birthday gift Amber 😁. On to the show we go…
Prelude: Why So Serious, Bro?
Far to often in the Music City we can take ourselves to seriously in public. It’s all about perception and professionalism. Who’s watching? What will they think of me? Will I still be accepted if I’m known as this/that wild of a person? Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me” pops into mind when letting people see us for the uber confident, fun spirited, goofy, maybe a little crazy people we are in the privacy of our own little bubble or at EDM shows like Project Underground (yeah I’m setting you up for this article)… while the other 90% of the time we’re out on the town in a normal setting, which in this city includes live shows, and we clam up.
Admit it, this has been you at some point. When we’re out we find ourselves more often than not, not in the small circle of people who don’t give a damn about letting the rest of us watch in envy. Instead we’re in the circle that’s yes, still enjoying the music, although we’re just nodding our heads. Probably with our arms crossed and/or sipping a beer at the bar. Maybe hanging back, trying to “look cool” like its high school over again. When in all reality I bet most of us just want to push our way to the front and let loose, just like them.
This is the true beauty of EDM shows though. There’s something about the dark rooms, lights, melodic synths, long (but well worth it) build ups to heavy heart pounding, OH SHIT, stank face inducing drops. It’s the perfect mixture to take all those thoughts and insecurities about that mask we wear and toss them out of the window. Allowing us to truly let go and ACTUALLY enjoy the night. Like how we usually would when we’re dancing in our living room at midnight half a box of wine or bottle of whiskey deep when our favorite jam comes on.
Project Underground: Nashville’s Night Of EDM
Lets give a big thank you to our friends over at Innovo Management & Octo Music Group for partnering up to bring us Project Underground 2; hosted by Austin & Colin aka the “Welcome To Nashville” dudes. PG2 is the sequel to the O.G Project Underground show back in 2016. PG1 is where we Nashvillians first got to let our love for EDM fly with local acts such as DJ NV$T and Zach Healy getting our blood (and fists) pumping. This go around didn’t disappoint either. Taking place last month on Friday the 13th at The Fairgrounds Nashville, fans from around the city came to shatter the glass ceiling (and earn 7 years of bad luck in the process) that holds our inhibitions about setting our dancing feet down on the ground and letting them go to work.
This time our ears, and dancing feet, were blessed first by newcomer on the EDM block, after starting off as a Hip Hop producer, Gibson Parker. Followed by Mr. Future Bass himself 26Carat, whose name has been on my local radar for awhile. Then the headliner Subfer got us ALL the way turnt up with his set. Finally, our night capped off by Jonny Grande with some killer hair flips and insane productions. Although let us not forget the sets our team caught from the rest of the lineup on all 3 stages. Arrient and Chief Maverick. Apsis, with a guest feature from the uber talented Julia Cole debuting their collab record ‘Riptide’. PR.KR, Alex Nadasi, Infinium, and last but not least, Don Soldi. Each DJ bringing their own special sauce to the stage, giving us as fans something new every time to keep us on our toes all night. Including a MASS Cupid shuffle breaking out between sets at one point. I quite enjoyed that. Felt like I was at, well, every wedding I’d been to. Except this was a much cooler reception party.
Letting Loose For All To See
Watching as the first person came through the doors to the last, I loved seeing the expression of self from one person to the next. The outfits, the glitter, and the hula hoopers. To the dance circles outside, the lights, and everything else in between that made this show something to envy. Not just for the music, but for the environment it created for us to live in for awhile. We get to see behind the masks of people for a short time. Or see the ones they wear (S/O Bunny Head guy my boss had to get a photo with). We get to see the real smiles. The “I Don’t Care Who’s Watching” dance moves. The freedom of expression that we don’t see very often in this city. Its truly refreshing. It felt refreshing. Even when working to meet new people and to hop in the middle of the action myself.
What was even more amazing is for the first time in a long time I didn’t see many phones. It wasn’t about “Hey look what I’m doing”. It was about “I’m here doing it. I’m here living in the moment.”
A Global Language
Speaking of in the moment, I got a few moments to catch up with both Gibson Parker & 26Carat after their sets at Project Underground. I loved the fact one thing came up both times. EDM/Dance music is its own language; a global language. That it doesn’t matter where you’re from, regardless of language barriers, the music will speak to every single one of them. For a moment in time none of us in that room were DJ’s or Artist’s. Event Planners, Media, Photographers or Managers. Students, Cooks, Nanny’s, Office Workers, Baristas, Construction Workers, or anything else. Regardless of what we are to each other or to world outside those doors, we were all for one night, fans their to dance our asses off.
The music, from every act, spoke to all of us individually and collectively. Inspiring us to stand, jump, and dance together in a giant, sweaty, body odor riddled crowd. Giving us the opportunity to join the “Not giving A Damn About Anything” crowd; except for the bass vibrating up through our feet and the occasional light that shined right into our eyes. Making new friends and discovering new music in a way only EDM shows can.
So again thank you to Innovo, Octo, the entire production team, and volunteers behind the production of Project Underground 2 for providing Nashville with an outlet for our inner selves to let go on a day of $13 tattoos and superstitious vibes nonetheless.