She’s Back (but not stabbing)
We welcomed Alaina Cross back on to the Red Couch for a Class 12 Homecoming interview just in time for her new single ‘Backstabber’ to hit your playlists on all DSPs. If you’re just finding out about Alaina via her new single it’s not a bad way to start. This heavy hitting, ear catching song may not leave you laughing as she asks the ever famous rhetorical question, but it will leave you fiending for more Alaina.
Don’t Cross Me
Have you ever felt betrayed. Someone Crossed yohttps://open.spotify.com/album/3Kc3a0zLajTOiMqoSnbOAR?si=PsAYjGinR3iWexeAIIHg0wu and left you feeling a kind of way (see what I did there)? We’ve all been there. Alaina addresses this very scenario in ‘Backstabber’, although she approaches it not in defeat, but in being the one standing on the side with the greener grass in the end! She opens up by giving us a taste of the guitar and vocal melody that will define the rollercoaster we go on, before hitting us with a grainy, dark verse that lay the foundations for the head bobbing, stank face getting hook that is to follow:
“Backstabber backstabber, look who’s laughing now;
All you got, your best shot is never gonna take me down”
So often we face this situations with our head down. Now Alaina has provided the world an anthem to lift us up when we get pushed down. Give us the strength to fight to come out of anything we go through stronger and better off in the end! This is a song of power. A song of strength. A song of Empowerment. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the production of a song that we miss the bigger picture of what music is trying to tell us.
This song is so well produced, it’s ridiculous. I listened to it prior to distribution. I witnessed the live performance of it at The Basement a week ago. Even myself until I sat and listened to it analytically this week did I understand the message because to be honest I just liked cranking it up and vibing to it in the car.
Take a listen to it for yourself below and next time you’re feeling like you need lift after your “friend” starts dating your ex, or your dog goes to hang with your roommate on the couch for belly rubs over you just put this on!
Check Out Alaina Cross’ Class 12 Homecoming Interview HERE
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